This therapy treatment is perfect as a post-workout recovery method. In a hurry? Treatment time can last anywhere from 10-30 minutes!

Compression Therapy
Reduce soreness, lactic acid. Increase circulation and performance.
Laguna Hills NormaTec Compression
Clinically proven compression therapy that reduces soreness, increases circulation, and improves athletic performance.Try Hyperice NormaTec Compression Therapy at Avalanche Recovery and Wellness in Laguna Hills.
Are you struggling with increased muscle soreness or fluid retention in the legs, or are looking to perform your best at an upcoming race or sporting event? Avalanche Recovery and Wellness in Laguna Hills offers Hyperice NormaTec Compression therapy for improving muscle fatigue, lactic acid build-up, and overall feeling and performance of the legs and body. The NormaTec compression boots utilize a pulse massage pattern that is patented and proven to increase circulation in the legs and reduce muscle soreness. NormaTec air compression and pulse pattern mimic the natural pump of the leg and arm muscles and stimulate the circulatory flow throughout the limbs and movement of fluid out of the body. You will feel a major improvement in soreness and performance after just one usage of the NormaTec Compression Therapy boots.
How to know if NormaTec Compression is right for you...
Try NormaTec Compression if you are experiencing any of the following:
Muscle Soreness and Fatigue
Pregnant or Post-Op
Lactic Acid Build-up
Sports Recovery
Lack of Flexibility/Range of Motion
Delayed On-set Soreness